Sunday, August 30, 2015

Seredipity StormHawk leaves the warm sheets, the strength of his sleeping embrace. His scents still lingers on her skin as the cool night air raises the hairs across her neck and torso. Her breasts tighten again.
She walks across the yard staring up at the calling of the moon knowing he would run if he knew the animal she sheltered inside. She looks through the glass door at his chiseled, tattooed firm form. His heat is raising from him in ultraray glow. Her hunger for his touch, his mouth, his heat and his own hunger is overwhelming.

She knows he could break this nightmare wake her from this incessant waking dream that haunts her life, but the damage she carries the storm within her will never be released. 
She changes form, bones break and crack. She takes flight to the nearest tree branch where she screeches out into the night. She takes one glance back but doesnt notice his waking form watch the hawk shadow race across the moonlight.

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